The aim of the SW-IFL Modeling team activities are:
Model from the global to human scales
Integrate models of exposure, energy use, emissions, atmospheric dynamics, and atmospheric chemistry
Couple models with observations to improve and validate the outputs
Communicate the data through effective visualization tools

Current and Recent Activities

Developing a modeling framework known as Model of Models (MoM) based on the Model of Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) and the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) models (MPAS-WRF)
Hysplit simulations of FFCO2 to guide 14CO2 plant sampling in the three core urban domains.

Extracted morphological data on 2,555,152 buildings in Arizona and developed the processing workflow for aggregating building morphology and energy information.
Completed web interface for accepting WRF data, documentation of model inputs/outputs, and transformations for data integration and reduced order of model.